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Online Documentation for the Hertfordshire Provider Portal

Welcome to the Hertfordshire Provider Portal online documentation. These pages provide help with using this site. Use the index on the left to find a relevant topic.

What is the Hertfordshire Provider Portal site?

This website is run by Hertfordshire County Council's Adult Care Services (ACS) Department and acts as an electronic portal between providers and the Department's Adult Social Care Systems (ACSIS).

Through this site, providers can securely access live data relating to services that ACS has commissioned with them on behalf of its Service Users. Providers of Residential Services can also view Schedules of all payments that have been made to them since the ACSIS system was implemented in May 2010.

The Hertfordshire Provider Portal is being rolled out in four phases, with each phase introducing more functionality, to improve efficiency for both the Council and for Providers. This online documentation will continue to grow in content as those new functions are implemented.

The next phase of the Hertfordshire Provider Portal introduces dedicated functionality to enable providers of Adult Social Care Services to submit queries relating to Payments, Service Users' Packages of Care and the contributions that they are required to collect from Service Users.

We hope you will make use of the online Payment Schedules available to you through this portal to help with your administrative functions. Please continue to submit your Schedule returns to the ACS Care Payments Team in the usual way until Phase 2 can be implemented.

Please also check the Contact details that we have for your organisation and personnel and submit any required updates using the Update Contacts Function that you will find on the Contacts Page.